Plastic corner protectors
Packing corners are used to protect corners.
they are easy to use, installed in just a few seconds and their cost is particularly low
thus being the most ideal and effective way
securing your merchandise while at the same time giving the impression that you respect your merchandise and your customers.

Protective corners
Plastic corner protection corners
Production material: soft polyethylene (LDPE)
sizes: 19mm, 22mm, 38mm.
Application range: -1/+1mm.
kitchen doors
bathroom and wardrobe doors.
kitchen counters.
aluminum doors.
frames, books, panels, etc.
Corner protection

Smart design...
The plastic protection corners are specially designed to be easily and quickly adjusted without effort and other expenses.
The shape of the protective corners contributes to the maximum protection of the corners from impact and to ensure the sensitive products in the placement of the protector.
Environmental awareness...
Respecting the environment, we collect and recycle products in order to process them into something new, preventing them from being "unloaded" in the landfill, thus contributing to a better tomorrow.